The web design team at Khorshid Software Company has created an attractive and efficient website for Arman Sadra Yazd Educational Institute. Arman Sadra Institute specializes in offering a variety of educational courses and has designed a simple and appealing website to provide comprehensive details about its courses and facilities.

The homepage of this website starts by displaying images related to the features and offerings of Arman Sadra Yazd Educational Institute. Users can register for courses and access information about classes and exams on the site. Another important section on the homepage is the user login and registration section located at the top of the page for easy access. Additionally, currently available courses and ongoing classes are showcased. Given the diversity of educational courses offered by this institute, a comprehensive categorization is created using a dropdown menu, allowing users to easily access their desired courses. Each category has related sections, and selecting a category displays the courses associated with it.

Furthermore, on the homepage, the educational courses offered by the institute, along with relevant images, are displayed. By selecting each course, users can view the course details. Various announcements such as discounts, job advertisements, special course introductions, etc., are also displayed on the right side of the page. On the left side, the latest news related to the institute and technology-related news are showcased.

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