Khorshid Software Company, as one of its offered services, provides custom website design for Tadark Sanat Company. Tadark Sanat Company operates as a supplier of parts and machinery for production lines and factories in the ceramic and tile industry. The company currently holds the exclusive representation rights of Eirles Italy and is the official representative of Meller Spain in Iran.

The skilled management team of this company has decided to create a dedicated website to introduce their services and areas of operation. We proudly announce that we have meticulously designed and implemented a website, presenting Tadark Sanat Company's web design in the most beautiful and professional manner possible. This website has been added to our portfolio alongside our other exemplary projects.

"View the designed website"

As factory owners and manufacturing companies, you can create a custom website for your company to showcase your products and services to users and establish 24/7 communication with your customers.