The web design team at Khorshid  Software Company proudly and meticulously designed a website for Negar Momtaz Yazd Saze Company. Negar Momtaz Yazd Saze Company operates in the field of construction materials production. With the capabilities of Khorshid Software Company's programmers and web design expertise, they have created a suitable space to showcase their products and services to their audience.

Negar Momtaz Yazd Saze Construction Materials Company started its activities in the field of brick production in 1983 (1362 in the Iranian calendar). Over the past three decades, this company has played a significant role in the development and prosperity of the country, especially in the Yazd province. The company established its sand and gravel mines in 1986 (1365 in the Iranian calendar) and founded the Mamtaz Sand and Gravel Mine in 1996 (1375 in the Iranian calendar). The company currently produces the finest sand and gravel products using complete technical machinery and equipment in its mines. In 2019 (1398 in the Iranian calendar), the company successfully obtained an A++ certification from the Yazd province standard laboratory.

Negar Momtaz Yazd Saze Construction Company's extensive activities, the provision of high-quality and diverse products, and the presence of expert and efficient specialists in the company have helped create an effective platform for presenting its products and services to the audience. You can become familiar with the various sections and information on this website by visiting Negar Momtaz Yazd Saze Construction Company's website.

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